Friday, September 12, 2008

Amazing people and our even more Amazing God!!!

For those of you who have been wondering where and when I have been in different places, I made a timeline of sorts on my blog. It lists the locations (with dates and picture links) of each of the places I’ve visited so far. I also added some great music to the site – check it out. (I'm hoping to get a map up soon...)

Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone. I had an update all written out and ready to send – then my computer shut down and I lost it all!

The last time I updated you (beside the previous post, which back-tracked to New Orleans), I was in Alabama house sitting for some good friends that I knew from Maryland (Bill & Melody O’Sullivan). I was in a little bit of limbo, not knowing what would work out next or exactly where I would be staying on my way to Austin, TX.

A friend of mine (thanks, Randy) was helping me get in touch with a couple who had started a house church in Maryland and then moved to Jackson, MS. It worked out for me to stay with them for a night in Jackson. What a Blessing! It was so great to meet Carrie and Kevin and talk about their experiences with house church and to spend time with their family! I am so grateful for all the amazing people our Amazing God has introduced me to on this journey. I hope to be able to keep in touch with all of them.

I used to think it was hot in August in Maryland. However, after spending time in AL and MS, I have a new definition of hot and humid! After a very long, hot ride, I arrived in Jackson on Tuesday night, July 29. During a delicious dinner, they asked me where I would be staying the next night. I told them that I didn’t know yet! I wanted to stay somewhere near Tyler, TX because that would be a good halfway point on the way to Austin. They said they had some friends who just happened to live right outside Tyler in Mineola! They offered to call them and see if they would mind an overnight guest the following evening. Late that night, we received a call from their friends who were willing to open their house to a strange wanderer. So the following night, I met another great couple and God amazed me again by His provision!

I left the small town of Mineola, TX on Thursday, July 31. I encountered much traffic and road work along the way but finally arrived in Austin, TX that night!

My plans for my stay in Austin changed several times before I arrived there; so I was excited to see what God would show me during my visit. I had a Dr. appointment in MD in August that I had to get back for. Right when I thought I had everything worked out - plane tickets, places to stay in Austin and MD, rides to and from the airport…things fell apart! Some places that I was going to stay ended up not working out and I wasn’t sure how I was getting to the airport. Then my Drs office called and said they had to reschedule my apt for the following week. The only problem was that I would already be back in Austin for the new date. My first response was to get mad! Thankfully, God quickly whispered to me to trust that He had a better plan that was working itself out. So, after asking forgiveness, I asked Him to show me how He was working all this out for His good. I hadn’t bought my tickets to MD yet, for various reasons. So, after some prayer, I had a peace about buying my tickets for a week later, even though, I didn’t know where I would stay in Austin for an extra week. This whole journey has been a great adventure in waiting on God and then seeing Him lead and provide.

And provide He did! There is a couple in Austin who are very involved in house church ministries, Tony & Felicity Dale. I had emailed them about an interview. We had set up a date and then I had to let them know that my plans had changed again and I wasn’t sure when I would be in Austin because things were not working out. They emailed me back and graciously offered to let me stay with them during my visit to Austin! That was such a huge blessing. I was just hoping to get to interview them about their 20+ years of experience in house church ministries, both here and overseas, but God orchestrated an even greater thing than I had hoped for. I was able to stay the whole two weeks with them and learn from their experiences, visit the house churches they were in contact with in Austin, and even read some of their books! (Very cool to have the author’s right there when you have a question about what you’ve read – I often wish that could happen when I’m reading C.S. Lewis!) :)

I visited several house churches during my stay in Austin. All different kinds – like different families. I love how Christ’s church is vibrant in this simple expression. Starting with a meal together is so comforting and really helps people feel like the extended spiritual family that we are meant to be. Then sharing time in prayer, singing, waiting on God to lead, everyone being able to participate by sharing what God’s been doing in their lives, praying for others… very exciting!!

I also have a good friend from San Diego that lives in Austin. She was a wonderful tour guide and took me all around the city and we even went on a road trip to San Antonio. I'll tell you more in my next update.

I have to go now - I'm trying to figure out my next stops on the way to AZ. I think I will be driving from Wichita Falls, TX to Roswell, NM, then onto AZ. Anyone live along that route and want to get together? I would love to visit some house churches in AZ, please let me know if you have any contacts there. I also want to drive through the painted desert and see the Grand Canyon!!! So excited!! I love the desert - it really can be beautiful! :)

Sorry this post was so long!

To see pictures from my Austin Experience, click here:

To see pictures from AL, MS, LA & east TX (for those from LSBC, there is a picture of Bill & Melody, here) click here:

Some Odds and Ends -
I have traveled over 2000 miles and Texas is the first place I have run into bad traffic. I thought everything was supposed to be bigger in Texas – what happened to the roads????

The town of West, TX, is actually in east Texas. As I drove through there, I wondered about the geographical sensibilities of the people who founded that town. :)

Want to find cheap gas…travel cross-country. Over a month ago, when gas was $4.09 in MD and $4.29 in San Diego, I saw gas for $3.42 in MS. Unfortunately, I had just filled up about 20 minutes earlier when I saw gas for $3.89, because that was the cheapest I had seen it in months.

Happy trails…until we meet again… love ya, Kerrie

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